Liquid Crystals publications

Liquid Crystals publications

S.Diez, M.A.Pérez - Jubindo, la Fuente, D.O.López, J.Salud, J.Ll.Tamarit
Dielectric relaxation in bulk and cylindrically confined octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB)
Liquid Crystals, 9, 1083 - 1091 (2006)

S.Diez, M.A.Pérez-Jubindo, la Fuente, D.O.López, J.Salud, J.Ll.Tamarit
On the influence of cylindrical submicrometer confinement on heptyloxycyanobiphenyl (7OCB). A dynamic dielectric study
Chemical Physics Letters, 423, 463-469 (2006)

P.Cusmin, J.Salud, D.O.López, la Fuente, S.Diez, A.Pérez-Jubindo, M.Barrio, J.Ll.Tamarit
Re-entrant Nematic Behavior in the 7OCB + 9OCB Mixtures: Evidence for Multiple Nematic-Smetic Tricritical Points
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 26194-26203 (2006)

M.B.Sied, S.Diez, J.Salud, D.O.López, P.Cusmin, J.Ll.Tamarit, M.Barrio
Liquid Crystal Binary Mixtures of 8OCB + 10OCB. Evidence for a Smetic A-to-Nematic Tricritical Point
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 16284-16289 (2005)

M.G.Lafouresse, M.B.Sied, H.Allouchi, D.O.López, J.Salud and J.Ll.Tamarit
On the nature of the smetic mesophase in 8CB + 10CB binary mixtures. Evidences for a smetic A tonematic tricritical point
Chemical Physics Letters, 376, 188-193 (2003)

M.B.Sied, J.Salud, D.O.López, H.Allouchi, S.Diez, J.Ll.Tamarit
Reentrant behaviour in binary mixtures of octyloxycyanobiphenyl (8OCB) and the shorter-chain homolog heptyloxycyanobiphenil (7OCB)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107 (24), 7820-7829 (2003)

M.B.Sied, J.Salud, D.O.López, M.Barrio and J.Ll.Tamarit
Binary mixtures between nCB and nOCB liquid crystals. Two experimental evidences for a SmA-N tricritical point
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 4 (12), 2587-2593 (2002)

M.B.Sied, D.O.López, J.Ll.Tamarit and M.Barrio
Liquid-crystal binary mixtures 8CB+8OCB: Critical behavior at the Smetic-A-Nematic transition
Liquid Crystals, 29 (1), 57-66 (2002)