
Orientationally Disordered Phases and the Glassy State

  • Thermodynamic, Structural and Dynamic (Dielectric relaxation) characterization.
  • Experimental and via Molecular Dynamics (MD) determination of excess properties of binary mixtures in disordered phases.
  • Effect of compositional disorder in the glass transition for pure compounds and molecular alloys with orientationally disordered phases.
  • Short-range order in the liquid and orientationally disordered phases by means of X-ray and neutron diffraction.
  • Configurational entropy determination from excess thermodynamic properties in ODIC phases, and influence of the dynamic properties in the glass transition.
  • Determination of dielectric constant and characteristic relaxation parameters by means of dielectric spectroscopy.

Fullerene C60

  • Characterization of the C60 hexagonal phases. 
  • Characterization of solvates from a thermodynamic and structural point of view. 
  • Determination of the tensot of isobaric thermal expansion with analysis of the maxima and minima deformation directions and the relation with the intermolecular interactions.


Polymorphism of drugs

topic polymorphism
  • Characterization of the polymorphism of active principles.
  • Determination of the thermodynamic stability domains as a function of pressure and temperature.
  • Construction of theoretical and experimental determination of pressure-temperature and pressure-density-temperature phase diagrams.


Metallic glasses and nanocrystalline alloys

  • Kinetics of primary crystallization.
  • Microstructural development in nucleation and growth transformations.
  • Improvement of mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses.


Ancient materials

The study of ancient materials and in particular, glasses, glazes, frits, ceramics and painting materials to gain information on their production routes, their microstructural and chemical analysis and their stability. These studies cover a double object scientific and historical. The particular difficulties involved in their analysis resulted in the signature in September 2001 of a Memorandum of agreement between the UPC and the CCLRC (Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils, UK) for the use of synchrotron radiation in the analysis of materials of interest in Cultural Heritage.