Polymorphism of drugs publications
Polymorphism of drugs publications
N. Mahé, B. Do, B. Nicolaï, I. B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, J.Ll. Tamarit, R. Céolin, Ch. Guéchot, J.M. Teulon
Crystal Structure and Solid-State studies of aged samples ofTienoxolol, an API Designed against Hypertension
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 422, 47– 51 (2012)
M. Barrio, E. Maccaroni, I. B. Rietveld, L. Malpezzi, N.Masciocchi, R. Céolin, J.Ll. TamaritPressure-Temperature State Diagram forthe Phase Relationships between Benfluorex Hydrochloride Forms I and II: A Case of Enantiotropic Behavior
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 101, 1073-1078 (2012)
I.B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, J.Ll. Tamarit, B. Do, R. Céolin
Enantiomer resolution by pressure increase: Inferences from experimental and topological results for the binary enantiomer system (R)- and (S)- mandelic acid
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115, 14698 (2011)
N. Mahé, M.-A. Perrin, M. Barrio, B. Nicolaï, I. B. Rietveld, J.Ll. Tamarit, R. Céolin
Solid-state studies of the triclinic (Z´=2) antiprotozoal drug Ternidazole
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 100, 2258-2266 (2011)
I. B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, J. Ll. Tamarit, B. Nicolaï, J. van de Streek, N. Mahé, R. Céolin, B. Do
Dimorphism of the Prodrug L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester: The Pressure-Temperature State Diagram and the Crystal Structure of Phase II
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 100, 4774 (2011)
M. Barrio, Ph. Negrier, J. Ll. Tamarit, D. MondieigFrom high-temperature orientationally disordered mixed crystals to low-temperature complexes formation in the two-component system (CH3)3CBr+ Cl3CBr
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115, 1679–1688 (2011)
I. B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, Ph. Espeau, J. Ll. Tamarit, R. CéolinTopological and experimental approach to the pressure-temperature-composition phase diagram of the binary enantiomer system d- and l-camphor
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115, 1672-1678 (2011)
B. Nicolaï, N. Mahé, R. Céolin, I. B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, N.Veglio, J. Ll. Tamarit
Tyrosine Alkyl Esters as Prodrug: The Structure and Intermolecular Interactions of L-Tyrosine Methyl Ester Compared to L-Tyrosine and its Ethyl and n-Butyl Esters
Structural Chemistry,22, 649-659 (2011)
I. B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, N. Veglio, P. Espeau, J. Ll. Tamarit, R. CéolinTemperature and composition-dependent properties of the two-component system d- + l-camphor at “ordinary” pressure.
ThermochimicaActa, 511, 43–50 (2010)
R Céolin, M. Barrio, J.Ll. Tamarit, N. Veglio, M.A. Perrin, P. Espeau
Liquid-Liquid Miscibility Gaps and Hydrate Formation in Drug-Water Binary Systems: Pressure-Temperature phase diagram of lidocaine and pressure-temperature-composition phase diagram of the lidocaine –water system.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 99, 2756-2765 (2010).
M. Barrio, P. Espeau, J. Ll. Tamarit, N. Veglio, R. Céolin
Polymorphism of Progesterone: Relative Stabilities of the Orthorhombic Phases I and II Inferred from Topological and Experimental Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagrams.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 98, 1657-1670 (2009)
R.Céolin, J.Ll.Tamarit, M.Barrio, D.O.López, B.Nicolaï, M.A.Perrin, P.Espeau, N.Veglio
Overall Monotropic Behavior of a Metastable Phase of Biclotymol, 2,2'-Methylenebis (4-Chloro-3-Methyl-Isopropylphenol), Inferred from Experimental and Topological Construction of the Related p-T State Diagram
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 97, 3927-3941 (2008)
P.Espeau, J.Ll.Tamarit, M.Barrio, D.O.López, M.A.Perrin, H.Allouchi, R.Céolin
Solid state studies on synthetic and natural crystalline Arsenic (III) Sulphide As2S3 (orpiment): new data for an old compound
Chemistry of Materials, 18, 3821-3826 (2006)
P.Espeu, R.Céolin, J.Ll.Tamarit, M.A.Perrin, J.P.Gauchi, F.Leveiller
Polymorphism of Paracetamol: Relative stabilities of the monoclinic and orthorhombic phases inferred from topological pressure-temperature and temperature-volume phase diagrams
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 94, 524-539 (2005)