Publications in 1999
J.Salud, D.O.López, M.Barrio and J.Ll.Tamarit.
Two-component systems of isomorphous orientationally disordered crystals. Part I: Packing of the mixed crystals
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9 (4), 909-916 (1999)J.Salud, D.O.López, M.Barrio, J.Ll.Tamarit and H.A.J.Oonk
Two-component systems of isomorphous orientationally disordered crystals. Part II: Thermodynamic Analysis of the mixed crystals
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9 (4), 917-922 (1999)L.C.Pardo, M.Barrio, J.Ll.Tamarit, D.O.López, J.Salud, P.Negrier and D.Mondieig
Miscibility study in stable and metastable orientationaly disordered phases in two-component system (CH3)CCl3+CCl4
Chemical Physics Letters, 308 , 204-210 (1999)R.Céolin, J.Ll.Tamarit, D.O.López, M.Barrio, V.Agafonov, H.Alluchi, F.Mussa and H.Szwarc
A new hexagonal phase of fullerene C60
Chemical Physics Letters, 314, 21-26 (1999)T.Pradell, D.Crespo, N.Clavaguera, MT.Clavaguera-Mora
Nanocrystallisation in Finemet alloys with different Si/B ratios
Materials Science Forum, 307, 83-87 (1999)E.Pineda, D.Crespo
Microstructure development in Kolmogorov, Johnson-Mehl, and Avrami nucleation and growth kinetics
Physical Review B, 60 (5), 3104-3112 (1999)V.Garrido, D.Crespo, E.Pineda, T.Pradell, M.Capitan
Nanostructured precipitates: Experimental versus exact theoretical SAXS profiles
Nanostructured Materials, 12 (5-8), 649-652 (1999)V.Garrido, D.Crespo
Characteristic functions of nanostructured materials
Nanostructured Materials, 12 (5-8), 879-882 (1999)J.Molera, T.Pradell, N.Salvado, M.Vendrell-Saz
Evidence of tin oxide recrystallization in opacified lead glazes
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 82 (10), 2871-2875 (1999)J.M.Calderón-Moreno, F.Guiu, M.Meredith, M.J.Reece, K.S.Sohn
Indentation damage zone in calcium and lead titanate ceramics
British Ceramic Transactions, 98 (6), 296-298 (1999)J.M.Calderón-Moreno, F.Guiu, B.Jiménez, M.J.Reece, K.S.Sohn
Anisotropy in the indentation fracture piezoelectric titanate ceramics
Ferroelectrics, 228 (1-4), 111-128 (1999)J.M.C.Moreno, F.Guiu, M.Meredith, M.J.Reece, N.M.Alford, S.J.Penn
Anisotropic and cyclic mechanical properties of piezoelectrics-compression testing
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 19 (6-7), 1321-1324 (1999)J.M.Calderón-Moreno, R.Torrecillas, J.S.Moya, M.J.Reece, C.K.L.Davies, C.Olagnon, G.Fantozzi
Suitability of Mullite for High Temperature Applications
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 19, 2519-2527 (1999)